i pareri degli uomini
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    Raf, 30 anni
    Mexico, Toluca


    Tatyana, 25 anni
    Belarus, Minsk

    We fell in love... I totally recomend this site!!! 100%!!!
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    Javier, 49 anni
    Spain, Granada


    Irina, 30 anni
    Russia, Moscow

    First of all, I want to give my more sinceorus congratulations to this web site, because it is the best Russian contact site I have visited (and I visited several). Here the clients pay for some monthly amount and we are free to communicate with all women we want and to schage personal details with them if we want, something that you cannot do with te others. Please, keep on this way, because you do things very well.
    Secondly, I want to communicate here that, thanks again to this site, I have finally find the woman I always dreamed about. It was like a "cyber-arrow shot", and now we are counting the days that rest to our first meeting, but love is already inside us.
    I found excellent women here in the past and with some of them I began a relationship, but without success for one reason or another. Now it is different, now I know that this woman will be the woman I will age with.
    Thanks once more to this web site.
    Luck for everybody.
    A happy man from Spain.
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    Forhad, 25 anni
    USA, Astoria, NY

    I think it is one of the best site to find a life partner . what ever I got or not . management system is just awesome and unbelievable .really appreciate and god bless you guys .I have never seen a site like this ....
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    Roberto, 37 anni
    Italy, Bologna

    I've never thought that this could happen to me. I was really sceptical about the chance to find love on a dating site, though i hoped this was a good way to meet interesting people with common interests and goals. But finally i've found my cup of tea. I don't know if this love will last for one month, one year or forever, but I only know that without this dating site this exciting adventure could never happen to me. So keep on searching, guys: love is waiting for you!
  • Eliel, 35 anni
    Brazil, Sergipe

    Eu fico estupefato qdo contemplo essas beldades russas. Tudo e belíssimas. Jamais acredito que conquistarei alguma.
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    Nico, 60 anni
    Netherlands, Den Haag

    I found my new partner, so good and I'm happy I used your site
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    Marco, 41 anni
    Italy, Milano


    Svetlana, 37 anni
    Russia, Vyborg

    I wouI'd like to tell a little about what happens and how things are....
    Finally me and Svetlana we met .. she is thousand times better than I could hope .. I met many important people in my life, spoken in public in front of many people and also with women I have never lost control .. when we met we have a tender kiss and I feel my heart exploded..needed a while to menage this big emotion.
    She is sweet but not feeble, tough character but not hard, complex but not complicated, wonderful as fireworks, beautiful more than a flower, lovely as a puppy and clever as we can talk of everything. Who knows me sais that I’m a family man, good and caring man and she makes me want to be better for her!
    Like in skype everything was simple, we spent three wonderful days in her town she cook for me russian food (I like it!) and now I miss her very much even if we talk in phone and with sms several times a day.. Miss her lips..to be hand in hand..to hold her in my arms..
    She is really special and perfect for me! I like her a lot..love that she is adorable (and beautiful!) when just awake in the morning sais “goodmorning darling”… I really love her!
    I’m not afraid of we are from different countries, we are similar and we complete each other..
    I love her son like mine and feel like we are a family..I ask her to move to Italy and we start to plain our live like a family…I feel like we alredy are, and want to take care of her and our sons for the rest of my life!
    Yes, when we’ll live together will ask her “THE QUESTION”…hope (and I'm pretty sure) she make me be the happiest man in the world and answer YES!
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    Luis, 37 anni
    USA, Rowland Heights, CA

    Very Good the best russian dating site
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    Remo, 50 anni
    Switzerland, Luzern

    Ist eine ganz Tolle sache Hier und ich denke ich habe meine Liebe Hier gefunden. Mal sehen wie es weiter geht.
    Ich wünsche allen das selbe Glück wie ich habe.
    Alles Gute.
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    Antonio Vieira Filho, 53 anni
    Brazil, Salvador

    Славянский народ вообще умные люди, красивый, культурный, и очень глубокий гуманистический дух. Я жил, когда он ответил на судах Балтийского морского пароходства, MarNegro и многие другие atravé Кори Brothers, вспомогательных операций.Женщина славянской (русской, украинской, belorussa ..) являются женственность, теплоту и очарование любому condescedencia. И самое красивое, что, хотя женщины seremparte значительным и активной рабочей силы в своих странах не теряют мягкость, очарование, обаяние, сладость и стиль, чтобы быть Mulhger. Град, град славянки!
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    Tommaso, 61 anni
    Italy, Roma

    ho trovato ciò che cercavo
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    Johnny, 42 anni
    Sweden, Gavleborgs

    Realy good site, very easy to get contact with people. Find a woman who i date now
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    Adriano, 68 anni
    Italy, Roma

    si ho trovato qui la donna che cercavo- questo sito e' molto serio e buono
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    Javier Fernando Moya Saavedra, 20 anni
    Chile, Santiago

    Esta página me ha parecido excelente! todas las chicas son muy lindas.

    Saludos, Javier.
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    Antonio, 52 anni
    Italy, Pescara

    trovato il vero amore
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    Martin, 37 anni
    Ireland, Cork

    Found lovely Russian woman.
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    Thomas, 55 anni
    USA, Sedona, AZ

    You have a really great site, it is run very well, and I can not suggest how you could imrove, it is the best a site can be! Thank for your site
  • Fidanzato(-a)

    Thomas, 55 anni
    USA, Sedona, AZ

    Found someone and we are to be married soon
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    Elcio, 39 anni
    Brazil, Parana

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    Cesar, 37 anni
    Peru, La Libertad

    Es una linda pagina hogala encuentre aqui una lindaa mujer !!!
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